Last 25th of February 2022 took place the SWITCH Barcelona Workshop. Palau Robert was the place to host the event and presential places were sold out. In order to cover people from all over the world, online places were also opened and 78 people were connected to the Workshop.
Strong speakers as Rosa Almirall and Lucas Platero kicked off the event between “Intimate Conversations” (the way we called the module) and interesting and important themes were exposed, such as trans* men pregnancy, transgender children and how to accompany parents during their children transition. The questions that were answered during the Module were previously sent by the attendees.
In order to discuss how transgender people are being treated in the Healthcare services, 3 different professionals of different Hospitals were invited to see different acting models. In this part, the interaction with the public was very enriching.
The last part but not least, was led by the SWITCH Trans*Lab: they presented their experience in creating the lab and everything that was created thanks to it.
SWITCH Workshop was a complete success with some “Take Home Messages” to think about it, but, by far, the most important one was to firstly ask to the person that we have in front of us (and it can be useful for everybody), how do they want to be referred as and what do they need.
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