This project was funded by the European Union’s Rights,
Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)
Supporting Wellbeing and Integration of Transgender victims in Care environments with Holistic approach
Theoretical Background Report
Research FrameworkTheoretical Background Report
Research on training needs of both Transgender victims of violence and health professionals, in order to integrate the theoretical models identified with the experience and needs in the local contexts of the partner countries. Theoretical background will be preparatory to Training Modules envisaged for the professionals involved in the project. So, It includes an overview of theoretical bases of the training experienced and validated in other care environments.
Training Kit
For Professionals and Health workersTraining Kit
The Training Kit will include:
a. Definition of training course lasting 24 hours.
b. Theoretical and practical handbook for interventions composed of 4 modules with methodological guides for interventions.
c. Power Point presentations and assessment tools.
Psychological Profile Guide
A link in-betweenPsychological profile guide
It contains a guide for professionals to better understand the link between violence, disorders and identity dysphoria. This guide helps the professionals to build a psychological profile of the victim that can also be used in case of violence denouncing.
Memorandum of Private-Public Understanding
Declarations of IntentMemorandum of private-public understanding
It contains declarations of intent that local public health bodies in the partner Countries will be able to sign with private assistance centers and transgender associations in order to activate therapeutic and specialist consultancy paths.
Local Map
Of Transgender Centres & AssociationsLocal Map of transgender Centers & Associations
A local map of both specialized services and transgender associations (reception houses, centers for self-help groups and counselling). The map includes a list with names of references persons, address and a description of the specific activity of the centre.