Blog for Professionals and TI People2021-03-10T12:55:24+01:00


By Margherità Graglia Stereotypes and prejudices towards transgender people do not arise from individual variables (transphobia), but they are the result of heterocisnormative assumptions that permeate culture (transnegativity). Individuals incorporate transnegativity from the socio-cultural contexts in which they are embedded. [...]

15 Giugno 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Addiction in transgender people

There is a myth that transgender people are more likely to use drugs, go to chemsex parties and use drugs to cope with their different gender identities.  There is no relevant data to confirm that transgender people use more drugs [...]

25 Maggio 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments


“Passing” is a term used in the transgender community it means that the individual is perceived as the gender he/she identify as. The goal of many transgender people is to “pass” as we can see from the subreddits where they [...]

4 Maggio 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

To build narratives based on respect for Trans* people

Can cinema change our culture to favor a non-pathological view of Trans* people? A historical review of humanity can surprise us. What happens if instead of looking at Trans* people we ask what happens to Cis people with their gender? [...]

28 Aprile 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

The innovation of SWITCH Trans* LAB Barcelona

An innovative experience was carried out by the SWITCH Trans* Laboratory in Barcelona. The self-help group for Trans* people was proposed as a self-awareness space. Image and photography were used as a tool for self-knowledge and prosocial psychology to increase [...]

27 Aprile 2022|Categories: Blog, News|0 Comments

What does transition mean for a trans* person?

In this personal and profound piece of music, composer Isabelle Arnaud Cisson, co-researcher of the SWITCH European project, expresses what childhood meant to her, facing transition and change, what her challenges, emotions and misunderstandings were, and finally how it is [...]

27 Aprile 2022|Categories: Blog, News|0 Comments
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