This project was funded by the European Union’s Rights,
Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)
Supporting Wellbeing and Integration of Transgender victims in Care environments with Holistic approach

SWITCH – Supporting Wellbeing and Integration of Transgender victims in Care environments with Holistic approach – is a project funded by the European Commission under the “Rights, equality, citizenship” program (REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2019), which involves seven partners from three countries of the European Union.
Many people suffer from a high exposition to discrimination, whilst harassment exacerbates the onset of mental disorders, addiction disorders and suicide. Despite the need for healthcare assistance, the relationship between public services remains problematic, due to many operators’ implicit prejudices, and poor preparation to deal with such subjects.
The main objective of the SWITCH Project is to promote compassionate services, so to properly assist transgender and intersex survivors (TI) by enhancing the competencies of psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapist and other social workers.
- A model design including theoretical background, training system for professionals, supporting tools for TI;
- A training of trainers for trainers of the partnership and pilot training courses for the professionals involved;
- Networking and implementation of supporting tools, including MoU among public and private entities providing for TIs’ supports;
- Self-help groups promotion and informations’ support for both professionals and TI and their relatives;
- Results’ monitoring and dissemination.
- The improvement of TI needs’ knowledge and public awareness: 180 among the professionals involved will be trained in the 3 partner Countries. They will be trained by 21 expert trainers from the SWITCH partnership;
- Start-up of a networking activities among public health care organizations, Private centres for TI and associations including Recommendations to health care regional authorities in all Countries to support TI’s health equity
- improvement in wellbeing of TI victims through the start-up of 3 self-help groups in the partner Countries for about 90 TIs aiming identity integration and support
- TI issues awareness increasing of the public: stakeholders of public and private of social health services as well as TI association will attend final workshops in the partner Countries.
The objectives have a potential to reach out to 5000 persons in the final target group. We aim to train at least 50% of them in understanding the reasons behind underreporting of violence. This shall result in a decrease of the underreporting rate and thus empowerment of victims.
- American Psychiatric Association – 168th Annual Meeting; May 16-20, 2015 – Toronto, Canada.
- Carroll, A. B., Lipartito, K. J., Post, J. E., Werhane, P. H., & Goodpaster, K. E. (Eds.). (2012). Corporate responsibility: the American Experience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.