The Plenary Meeting for Project SWITCH was held in virtual conference via Google Meet on November the 12th, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. The meeting was attended by represetatives from the following partners  PERSEO, Transparent Zs, PARC TAULI, MIRADA LOCAL, AUSL, PARADIGMA and Narodni Ustav Dusevniho Zdravi (NUDZ).

PERSEO’s staff outlined the agenda and coordinated Partners’ presentations, taking into account the consequences on the project of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Theoretical Background (D2.1), produced by NUDZ, was presented and received the final feedbacks. PARADIGMA presented the final draft of the Psychological profile guide (D2.3).

To ensure the same tool in all partner languages, features and validity, all partners will check if the Impact of Evidence Scale is (IES-R) standardized in Spanish and Czech Republic. PARC TAULI proposed, will add and integrate this tool with a list of behaviours that can be use to detect more specific violence. TRANSPARENT could also do it.

As responsible for the Recommendations (D2.6), MIRADA LOCAL presented the draft to all partners, with PERSEO suggesting to post the deliverable electronic version on Switch website. PARC TAULI, responsible for the Booklet for family doctors and communicable diseases professionals (D2.7), presented the draft to all partner, said deliverable will be in digital form (.pdf) and paper form.

PERSEO explained the state of the art on the Local map of transgender centers and associations (D2.5), and give final feedback on the Memorandum of private-public understanding (D2.4). Finally, PERSEO shared the Switch website to the partners and the draft about the project’s dissemination plane. The session was closed at 12:26.

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