
This project was funded by the European Union’s Rights,
Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)

Supporting Wellbeing and Integration of Transgender victims in Care environments with Holistic approach

The innovation of SWITCH Trans* LAB Barcelona

An innovative experience was carried out by the SWITCH Trans* Laboratory in Barcelona. The self-help group for Trans* people was proposed as a self-awareness space. Image and photography were used as a tool for self-knowledge and prosocial psychology to increase [...]

27 Aprile 2022|Categories: Blog, News|0 Comments

What does transition mean for a trans* person?

In this personal and profound piece of music, composer Isabelle Arnaud Cisson, co-researcher of the SWITCH European project, expresses what childhood meant to her, facing transition and change, what her challenges, emotions and misunderstandings were, and finally how it is [...]

27 Aprile 2022|Categories: Blog, News|0 Comments

Available video Curricular Innovation in socio-health studies: towards respectful treatment of trans* people

Moderation by Dr. Gladys Jiménez, expert in Curriculum Innovation Speakers: Rosa Almirall Gynecologist and obstetrician recognized as a feminist militant in the Transition and for the creation, in 2012, of the Health Promotion Service for trans people, Trànsit, within the [...]

10 Febbraio 2022|Categories: News|0 Comments

WEBINAR: Gender self-determination is now available

WEBINAR of the SWITCH European project. The WEBINAR video on gender self-determination is now available. Invited speaker, the psychologist María José Hinojosa General health psychologist, responsible for the Psychological Care Service and the Gama Training area. Expert in Sexual and [...]

10 Febbraio 2022|Categories: News|0 Comments

SWITCH – Virtual Transnational Plenary Meeting 22nd January 2021

The Virtual Meeting for Project SWITCH was held in virtual conference via Google Meet. The meeting was attended by PERSEO, Narodni Ustav Dusevniho Zdravi (NUDZ), Transparent Zs, PARC TAULI, MIRADA LOCAL, AUSL, PARADIGMA.  The convened partners discussed the state of art of the [...]

30 Gennaio 2021|Categories: Meeting, News|Tags: , , |0 Comments

SWITCH – Virtual Transnational Plenary Meeting 12th November 2020

The Plenary Meeting for Project SWITCH was held in virtual conference via Google Meet on November the 12th, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. The meeting was attended by represetatives from the following partners  PERSEO, Transparent Zs, PARC TAULI, MIRADA LOCAL, [...]

13 Novembre 2020|Categories: Meeting, News|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Kick-Off Meeting SWITCH Project

On September 18th, Project SWITCH began its activities right into the heart of the matter, with a Kick-Off Meeting held online via the app service Google Meet. The meeting was attended by representatives from each partner: Perseo Spa Impresa Sociale [...]

27 Ottobre 2020|Categories: Meeting, News|Tags: , |0 Comments
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